When you spend a lot of money on furniture, you want it to be in good shape for a long period. The best way to save time, money, and frustration is by calling an expert who can evaluate the damages and offer effective solutions. This is especially important when you have antiques and heirlooms, that have been in your home for years. Excel has skilled professionals who meticulously repair and refinish your furniture and make it look as good as new!
Come to our furniture repair specialist for:
We know that every piece of furniture, whether it is an antique or not, is a prized possession for you, since it has been carefully picked to blend in with your interior and suit your individual style sensibilities. This is precisely why we ensure to be thorough and detail-oriented when delivering our repairs and restorations services. We can repair and restore any of your damaged furniture, from an antique armchair to an overworked boardroom table. Thanks to the years we have spent in the furniture repair business, we can not only repair any cracks, scratches, or stains that adorn your furniture but also bring back its original look and feel in the most economical way possible.
Call us at the first sign of wear and tear. We will quickly reach your site, inspect it, and help you restore its beauty. We also re-stain cabinet and drawer fronts for you!
Excels Furniture Repairs
1257 Algoma Rd Unit #4, Gloucester, ON K1B 3W7
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday:
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM